Historic Preservation

The Historic Preservation Team works to preserve the historic fabric of our neighborhood. Though we are excited about the new construction and energy we are witnessing, we want to ensure the buildings and sites that make life in East Kensington so unique remains. Our primary goal is to identify and nominate buildings to be included on the city’s historic register before they are lost.

How can you get involved?

Let us know what buildings you would like to see protected.

What places would you be sad to lose? Let us know. We welcome the input of the community and we will prioritize nominating the buildings that get the most vocal support.

Volunteer with the team. We are always looking for help. And our most pressing need are volunteers to help conduct research on buildings and draft nominations.

Attend the nomination meetings. They only happen every couple of months, but the committee that decides what buildings to include want to hear from the community. This is your opportunity to speak up and advocate for the preservation of our buildings. The schedule and location of the Philadelphia Historical Commission meetings is found here: http://www.phila.gov/historical/PDF/PHC%202017%20meeting%20dates.pdf

Nominate buildings yourself. Anyone can nominate any building. And both the Philadelphia Historical Commission (the body that reviews the nominations and determines whether a building gets listed) and the Preservation Alliance has resources to help walk you through this process.

Sites in our neighborhood that are listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places:

Today, there are only three properties and a street within the neighborhood boundaries that are listed on the citywide register of historic places.

26th District Police Station - 2136-24 East Dauphin Street

Frankford Ave. Baptist Church - 2437-49 Frankford Ave                                                 - http://www.phila.gov/historical/Documents/2437-49-Frankford-Ave-nom.pdf

Textile National Bank - 1801 E. Huntingdon Street - http://www.phila.gov/historical/Documents/1801_E_Huntingdon_St_nom.pdf

Trenton Ave                                                                                                                            - http://www.phila.gov/historical/PDF/Historic%20Paving%20Thematic%20District.pdf

Sites that are in review with the Historical Commission:

Harbison’s Dairy - 2041-2055 Coral Streethttp://www.phila.gov/historical/Documents/2041-55-Coral-St-nomination.pdf              -Will be on the agenda for the meeting on December 13, 2017


Weisbrod & Hess - 2117 E. York Street http://www.phila.gov/historical/Documents/2117-E-York-St-nom.pdf                            -Being done by Andrew F. - Will be on the agenda for the meeting on October 13, 2017


If you are interested in joining the Historic Preservation Team, email info@ekna.org or fill out the below form: