
The East Kensington Neighbors Association was founded in 2004 with help from the community organizing arm (the NAC) of the NKCDC. EKNA’s mission is to organize the voice, concerns, and the action of East Kensington (EK) residents. Geographically, EK is bounded by Norris Street to the South, Frankford and Trenton Ave. to the East, Lehigh Ave. to the North, and Front Street/Kensington Ave. to the West.

Our general meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of every month

There are serious things to address, but we have plenty of fun too. The Philadelphia Federal Credit Union Kensington Derby & Arts Festival is an excellent example of how we expose new people to the area, have a great time, and raise money for local projects. Now in it’s 14th year the success of the festival speaks to the growing energy within EKNA and the larger community.

Even the annual tire roundup and community cleanups are a great time where we come together. Bill and Nancy Barton of the Philadelphia Brewing Company have been generous with their space through the years: when EKNA gets the work done, the Brewery is the next stop to celebrate and recharge.

In everything we do, we learn more about each other and about our neighborhood. However big or small, we make an important difference.

We invite all community residents to attend meetings, enjoy a fine beer (on the house), meet your neighbors and participate in the positive changes that are taking place. We are faced with exciting challenges that require discussion and participation.

EKNA welcomes you and wants to hear what you need. Let’s work together to make it happen.


East Kensington Neighbors Association